Sunny Side Up

September 24, 2015

Things can change and grow quickly

Albert Einstein once said that "Compound interest is the eight wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it ... He who doesn't ... pays it." Here is an example of how a penny can turn in to $5 million in 30 days. This is the foundation of how how money works to generate enormous wealth. The good news is that a person can start with a zero or even a penny and become wealthy.

My favorite resources for finance

My recommendation is start learning about how compound interest works and use that to your advantage. There are 3 inputs into the equation (A = P (1 + [ r / n ]) ^ nt): present value (P), interest rate (r), and time compounded (n & t). Next, learn about credit. It's easier to borrow a million dollars than it is to save a million dollars (i.e. a mortgage loan, venture capital, IPO, etc). To know if you are on track, keep track of your progress.

Use these resource to learn about how money works and to quickly get ahead ...

Phillip Hoang

My name is Phillip Hoang, and I'm an inventor, investor, and philanthropist. I help people by building things they can imagine but don't know how to build. I gather requirements, design solutions, and build a product for them.

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